What VolStar does...

Builds a detailed structure of each committee/component, and its needs for volunteers

Allows volunteers to enter their information, including availability and preferences, via the Internet

Produces information on volunteer availability, preferences, scheduling

Matches volunteers’ preferences with committee needs

Schedules volunteers, including pre/post event times, for preparatory, event and wind-down activities

Generates a wide variety of management reports and statistics to let you easily see where volunteers are still needed

Prints mailing labels and identification tags - and eliminate duplicate mailings to households, saving on postage, materials, and envelope stuffing time

Monitors positions requiring special security clearance

Generates "to-do" items and checklists by volunteer.

Tracks your unique requirements such as clothing issued, fees paid, languages spoken or security access codes.

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VolStar is a trademark of Granite Consulting
Copyright Granite Consulting 1998